Women's Ministry

We are women who declare life and value to each other. We are women who believe God's Word will change our perspective, give us direction for our future and purpose for all our days. We are a team! We are friends, sisters, family and YOU are welcome among us!

Our Vision

To provide a Life Skills Center where women can experience an atmosphere of healing, personal growth and relationship support, where they can gain job skills, have computer classes, learn small business enterprise and financial management, language classes and healing from abuse. We believe everyone has their own story and the Life Skills Center will be a place where new dreams can grow again!

She opens her hand to the poor and reaches out her hands to the needy.

Proverbs 31:20

A Place for Sisterhood

Pastor Jennifer loves women of all ages and bringing joy! She has led women’s ministries and launched women into their destinies across the globe, for the past three decades. She is a book author, mother of three beautiful women, grandmother (also known as) GIGI to 9 beautiful grandchildren. Her training in Human Studies and Psychology along with Domestic and Sexual Violence Prevention and Treatment give her a great compassion for women from all walks of life in every age group and she understands the beauty of your testimony unfolding!

Favorite Bible verse is Psalm 37:4,5

She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.

Proverbs 31:26

We love to fellowship and learn together!

Thursday mornings we will have Women’s Connect Group, Bringing Hearts to Life, Bible Study available.

Every month we provide mentoring sessions for women 18-30 years of age and for women 30 and over. We do quarterly events where we train, learn, minister and provide avenues of service and opportunities for working in our communities. We love each other!

Every year we provide at least 4 major events to invite your friends to:

February – Life Conference in Rome

May – Women’s Spring Event

October – Women’s Fall retreat

December – Christmas Gala
